Choosing the correct crochet hook to match your rag rug project really is a matter of personal choice and preferences. I will talk about sheet yarn widths to match your hook size and rag rug. This is not written in stone but will help you get started making a good choice for you. Please let me make a few suggestions to think about:
1. The most common rag rug hook sizes are the N, O, P and Q. In mm that will roughly translate from 10 mm to 17 mm. That depends on what conversion chart you look at. The most popular sellers on my website and at classes are the 12 mm, 14 mm and 16 mm and 22 mm runs close behind. The 22 mm is good for denim and heavier or wider materials. These 4 hook sizes are my personal favorites as well.
2. The smaller hooks like the N and O seem to make it easier to control your stitches (especially if you are new to crochet and rag rug making) and make the rag rug tighter and more compressed. This is what I call low profile rugs. They lay close to the floor and less likely for tripping over. When using sheet yarn your strips should be about 1.25" to 1.75" usually. If the fabric weight is thin or heavy you should be willing to make adjustments.
3. The larger hooks like the P and Q (14 mm and 16 mm) will require sheet yarn to be 1.5" to 2.75". Again be willing to make adjustments based on fabric weight.
4. If you desire to work with denim, heavy fabric, upholstery, automotive grade fabric, wool or make a 2 ply rug you should probably not use anything smaller than a Q hook. And I suggest a 22 mm and some like the 25 mm and 28 mm.
5. Caution when choosing an ergonomic hook for rag rug making: I have not found on the market one designed with the rag rug maker in mind. The throat of the hooks are not long enough because I use that throat to help regulate my stitch tension and reaching for the stitches through the rug The handle is usually too short as well. I have 12 mm through 16 mm ergonomic hooks available at the moment on my website.
Note: All my hooks are a minimum of 8.5" long to to make the rag rug making process more comfortable for your hand, wrist and forearm.
Please email me at for ideas or suggestions you would like clarification or information about. Perhaps you will see it in another Rag Rugs by Erin Blog.
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Until next time happy rag rugging!
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Hi and good afternoon! I have found you and your beautiful craft/hobby on YouTube. The tips are super and fantastic! I was wondering if I ask a question do you allow a picture? I crochet the rag fabric baskets and really have question about your q hook I have a q hook that I am terrified of losing. And need to ask your opinion on the ones you have compared to my hook. Thank you for being on YouTube!!! BJ
I have been filing any spare time I can find with rag rug making. I have played with almost every option I have seen on your YouTubes. I just love you! You inspired me!
Thank you!
took your class in florida and just started a rug ,forgot how to add strips so thanks to your tutorial it all cam back Thanks