Hello there. Hope you will enjoy reading and thinking about the possibilities of sharing your rag rug knowledge with someone.
This is just 2 brief stories how rag rugs have helped give hours of enjoyment. Perhaps you know someone you can sit down with and help them learn how to make rag rugs. Share with someone that may have eye limitations and can not crochet with standard yarn and hooks, arthritis, little money for entertainment, restricted mobility or somewhat house bound due to circumstances.
Story 1
I have a lovely woman that has called me on the phone to help her place a hook order because ordering on the computer is difficult with her vision. She can not crochet with yarn and standard hooks any more but can crochet rag rugs with sheet yarn. She is delighted with a new chapter of creating and crocheting.
Story 2
This is an excerpt from Margaret Wittman's emails and her latest rug.
Please email me at ragrugsbyerin@gmail.com for ideas or suggestions you would like clarification or information about. Perhaps you will see it in another Rag Rugs by Erin Blog.
Follow me on Facebook: Rag Rugs by Erin
Website: www.ragrugsbyerin.com
Follow or subscribe to Erin Halvorsen on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/ErinHalvorsen
Until next time happy rag rugging!
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I just want to say that love your Rag Rugs I follow you on Facebook, You tube and I learn how to make Rag Rugs too so I have learn lot from you so I have problem when I am make a rag rug I get around the corner I think I puting to many Stitch in and it mess up or when doing circle it don’t come out right some I always looking at your YouTube to learn more so
Thank you so much love what you by do show how to make beautiful rag rug I was my auntie to watch YouTube channel
I just want to say that love your Rag Rugs I follow you on Facebook, You tube and I learn how to make Rag Rugs too so I have learn lot from you so I have problem when I am make a rag rug I get around the corner I think I puting to many Stitch in and it mess up or when doing circle it don’t come out right some I always looking at your YouTube to learn more so
Thank you so much love what you by do show how to make beautiful rag rug I was my auntie to watch YouTube channel